Newsletter December 2014

Greetings to all our supporters. The Haul-out. A milestone was reached with the hauling out of the “Kate” on 24th November. After some anxious moments positioning her on the trolley the specially built cradle fitted perfectly, and all went well as the old Club tractor trundled her across the Causeway…

Waiheke Working Sail Newsletter, February 2014

Dear friends and supporters of the “Kate” project, Welcome to our summer newsletter. This is our chance to keep you posted on progress and talk about current plans.  First of all, many thanks to all who turned up for the working bee last December. We achieved a lot in smartening…

Floating Spars to Putiki Bay

A fine weather window and favourable tides made last Wednesday the perfect day to fetch the 4 logs from Nugent’s Bay around to Putiki Bay, where they can be stored for seasoning. “Flying Carpet” was floating on the big tides and ready to go, so with the boys Tom and…